Monday, 29 October 2012

Christian responses to Lesbians: Positive

After the upsetting negativity filled previous post, this post focuses on the positive reactions Christians have to lesbians...

There are many websites set up that promote acceptance of lesbians within Christianity. The majority focus on Jesus' teachings about loving your neighbour.  I spoke to a few of my friends who are Christan's, because although the Churches teachings on acceptance are widely documented, it is a different matter if they are put into practise.

My friend Oliver*had this to say on the topic,  'As a Christian, i believe that God created each of us as the way we are. Things like sexuality do not matter to God, in the same way things like race do not matter'. Oliver's simple words reflect the way many Christians feel about sexuality, that it is not important to God as long as you are a good person and follow the key teachings of the Christian faith. Another friend of mine, Chloe*, said that 'I understand why some Christians may get upset about lesbians, but at the end of the day, we are all equal in the eyes of God, and why would God create people to be gay if he wasn't cool with it?'. Chloe's words also echo Olivers, spreading the Christian message of equality and love and a faith that God is at the centre of human life and its creation.

*names changed

The number of Christian/Lesbian websites that have arisen in recent years also reflects the positivity in  Christianity towards lesbians.  Click the link below to visit lesbepure, one of the biggest Christian-Lesbian websites,
Lesbepure contains many articles and links relating to the Christian faith for those who identify as lesbian, and also provides a helpful list of other websites along similar theme. A few clicks away from this is also Christian LGBT dating websites and many blogs that also encourage acceptance within the Christian faith.

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