Saturday, 3 November 2012

Lesbian reponses to Christianity: Negative

There are a small amount of lesbians in the world who are anti-christian. In a recent survey, it was found that lesbians were one of the groups that had a predominantly negative image of Christians, with 30% of lesbians interviewed stating that they had a unfavourable impression of Christians. To put this into context, 11 groups were asked to provide their impressions of Christians, for example, republicans had a 22% negative rating of Christians.

Despite this, i struggled to find much evidence of many lesbians or lesbian groups who are against Christianity purely for reasons relating to being a lesbian. The majority appeared to be anti-organised religion and just happened to fall under the LGBT umbrella as well.

To me, this is a happy discovery. As a minority, the majority of lesbians sympathise with Christians who are also becoming a minority, and many others do not associate the two things together at all.

With a lack of information available on the Internet, i turned to my friends to ask their opinions, as lesbians on Christianity. Emma* said 'As a lesbian, i have no problems with Christianity. I do have problems with people discriminating against others, Christian or not'. Emma's words echo those of many other lesbians, that there is no real issue with Christianity, as long as there is no discrimination or lesbophobia.

*Names changed

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