Monday, 19 November 2012

It Gets Better

I decided to dedicate an entire post to the It Gets Better project. For those of you that don't know, the It Gets Better project was created in 2010 to inspire hope for young LGBT people that life does get better, and they are not alone. The project does this by allowing older members of the LGBT community to share their stories of how life got better for them.

The project has an entire section dedicated to religion, and has people of all religious talking about acceptance that they can offer LGBT youths. As this blog focuses on lesbians and Christianity, below i have gathered the videos that deal with these issues.

Speaking from experience, Sarah discusses her journey as a lesbian and Christian towards and her gradual acceptance of the two. Her speech is motivational and encouraging to lesbians who are struggling with their faith and sexuality.

This It Gets Better video shows a variety of LGBT people who are all part of the same ministry in Minnesota. They offer advice to those who are struggling with the balance between sexuality and faith. Members reinstate the teaching that God made each person whole and perfect before they were even born, and that sexuality is part of this. The message from this video is that you can be LGBT and Christian, and that God will never reject a person.

The It Gets Better project has inspired many not to take their own lives as well as to embrace their sexuality. The small part that deals with faith has helped many people who feel they are torn between sexuality and religion to find a place they feel they belong.

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